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Solution Focused Therapies

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‘Life is 10% what happens to you and

90% how you react and respond to it’


Through Solution Focused Therapies, in particular Hypnosis and Havening Techniques ®, we can gain a better understanding of our emotions, habits and pattern matching propensity in order to seek a more content, confident and joyful future.


Although we are shaped by our history we don’t have to be defined by it.



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Blue Surface



One Brain, Two minds



There are no magic wands or swinging pendulums involved, the only miracle here is the power of our mind. Hypnosis is not something you have done to you but rather a collaborative process in which you are guided to make the most beneficial decisions in life. Through hypnosis we can bypass the analytical and often anxious conscious mind and gain access to the hugely powerful subconscious mind where our instinctive behavioural patterns are formed allowing us to work towards our preferred future.


Throughout the process you will gain the tools you need to help you take your life in the direction you wish to go, making positive and long-lasting change. This process is non-prescriptive and focuses on solutions so doesn’t involve delving into your past.


We both create, and have, the power to solve our own problems.



Havening Techniques ® are a form of therapy that help permanently treat and heal traumas, anxiety and phobias as well as to create positive alterations in our brain to enhance wellness and resilience. It is a psychosensory therapy, meaning we apply a sensory touch to produce a response (electro-chemical) that heals and positively alters our minds (psyche).


Past experiences can stay with us in our lives, resulting in unwanted responses and emotions to similar situations. These past experiences can be a significant traumatic event that produces PTSD symptoms. Equally it can be a seemingly insignificant experiences that our brain has stored in a way that produces a disproportionate emotional response. After the process, you will recall the memory or the event; However the negative emotional response is no longer there, or it may seem more distant or harder to remember.


There are a number of Havening Techniques ® with multiple applications. 

Three common types of Havening are:


  1. Event Havening – used for encoded psychological trauma in specific events that have created associated significant emotional responses, such as phobias / PTSD / emotionally evoking and traumatic memories

  2. Transpirational Havening – works on specific negative emotions associated with single or multiple events, as well as creating new positive emotional states

  3. Outcome Havening – Works in increasing peak performance and wellness.


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"Never compare the inside of your life with the outside of someone else's"


"If you try, you risk failure; if you don't try, you ensure it "

Alfred Lord Tennison


“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.”

Alfie Kohn



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The first session is a no obligation initial consultation during which we will assess what you would like to achieve; I will explain how the brain works to create negative patterns of behaviour and how we can become more positive and motivated.

During subsequent sessions I will guide you into a state of focused attention - this is a perfectly natural state of mind, much like daydreaming, in which you will be fully in control. I will help you master new, empowering ways of thinking, feeling and behaving so you can let go of unwanted habits, anxieties and fears, and live your life to the full.

After an initial free no obligation 15 minute phone call where we can ascertain that I am the right choice for you, we will work collaboratively in a relaxed and safe environment, either via Zoom or in person to make useful changes to your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.  I will share my knowledge, techniques and skills ( and maybe the odd magic trick)  leaving you with the tools and skills you need to access your own strengths and resources. This will relieve the symptoms of any conditions that are made worse by stress.



Confidence & low self esteem


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Panic attacks


Phobias and fears

Public speaking


Sleep problems

Sports performance

Stress management

Weight management


Or simply seeking a better more focused future



How many sessions will I need?​

There are no hard and fast rules. Specific fears and phobias are usually very quick, sometimes only requiring one session of Havening. For anxiety-based disorders I usually run four sessions in order to explore the tools and techniques which best work for your individual needs, and to start the process of rewiring the neural networks which have led to the unwanted feelings or behaviours. All my sessions are client led so you determine the timeframe.



My sessions are £60.00 

Per 1 hour session


Ideal Bodyweight

Gain and maintain a healthy eating habit without will power.

Think like a thin person 




Common Misconceptions

Hypnosis doesn’t involve mind control – no one can hypnotise you against your will or make you do anything that you don’t want to do. Your subconscious mind will reject any suggestion that is inappropriate for you. So, you can relax and enjoy the process.


I work with people from every walk of life, some wishing to break unhelpful habits or stress related conditions and some wishing to fulfill their true potential and make positive change.




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Coming from a background in education: I spent 7 years teaching in an international Junior School in London before moving to Somerset in 2000 where I have built and now run my own swim school.


In recent years I have been surprised by the increase in childhood issues, ranging from depression and low self esteem to a whole host of labelled conditions such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Pathological Demand Avoidance amongst others. 


With this in mind, in 2017 I decided to train as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist in order to improve my teaching skills. I had no idea at the time how much I would enjoy the process and the immense pleasure I derive from seeing such quick and long lasting changes in my clients.


I work with an  incredible charity called Key4Life delivering ER (emotional resilience) to prisoners and young men at risk, giving them the tools and techniques to help them to turn their lives around. 16% of men on the program re-offend, compared to a staggering 64% nationally. 


I also volunteer at Icarus Charity which was set up to help veterans suffering from PTSD. Through this charity I've met some amazing people both other clients and therapists and I've learned a huge amount. As Churchill noted “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”


I provide group sessions for corporate clients with follow-up one to ones where required. 


I have a passion for working with children and enjoy working within the school environment, teaching children not just how their brain works, but getting the most out of it.

"Its easier to build strong children than to repair broken men"

Fredrick Douglas


The ethos behind Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is very much one of moving forward - ‘You have survived everything from your past’. However from time to time we feel that we are trapped in our past which is why I decided to train in Havening Techniques. I qualified in January 2020 and I now divide my time between teaching and running The Dragon Pool, working with my therapy clients and enjoying time with my family of 4 children plus a dog, two cats, and an emotional support duck.

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07836 248192

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